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Funs (Functions)

Have lots of fun with Funs!

Funs class contains methods that can be used with other functions or Stream API (or other Monads).

To use it, just do static import of j8plus.Funs.

import static j8plus.Funs.*;


isNull() method returns a Predicate which checks if the given parameter is null.

System.out.println(isNull().test(null));    // true
System.out.println(isNull().test(1)); // false
System.out.println(isNull().test("abc")); // false
  • It can be useful when using Stream.
final List<String> listOfNull =
Arrays.asList("a", "b", null, "c", null, null, "d")

System.out.println("null found: " + listOfNull.size());
  • Result:
null found:3


isNotNull() method returns a Predicate which checks if the given parameter is not null.

System.out.println(isNotNull().test(null));   // false
System.out.println(isNotNull().test(1)); // true
System.out.println(isNotNull().test("abc")); // true
  • It can be useful when using Stream.
final List<String> listOfNotNullString =
Arrays.asList("a", "b", null, "c", null, null, "d")

System.out.println("list of not null String values: " + listOfNotNullString);
  • Result:


reversed() returns a Comparator which imposes the reversed order of the given Comparator.


  • With this simple JavaBean
public static class Product {
private Long id;
private String name;
private BigDecimal price;

// getters and setters

public Product price(final BigDecimal price) {
return this;

// remainder omitted...
final List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(4, 2, 5, 3, 1);

final Comparator<Integer> intCmp = Integer::compareTo;
final Comparator<Integer> reversedIntCmp = reversed(intCmp);

final List<Integer> numbersInAsc =
System.out.println("Number in ascending order: " + numbersInAsc);
// Number in ascending order: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

final List<Integer> numbersInDsc =
System.out.println("Number in descending order: " + numbersInDsc);
// Number in descending order: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
final List<Product> products =
Arrays.asList(product(1L, "A", new BigDecimal("30.00")),
product(2L, "B", new BigDecimal("12.50")),
product(3L, "C", new BigDecimal("5.45")));
final List<Product> productsSortedByPriceInAsc =
"Products sorted by price in ascending order: \n" + productsSortedByPriceInAsc
// Products sorted by price in ascending order:
// [
// Product{id=3, name='C', price=5.45},
// Product{id=2, name='B', price=12.50},
// Product{id=1, name='A', price=30.00}
// ]

final List<Product> productsSortedByPriceInDsc =
"Products sorted by price in descending order: \n" + productsSortedByPriceInDsc
// Products sorted by price in descending order:
// [
// Product{id=1, name='A', price=30.00},
// Product{id=2, name='B', price=12.50},
// Product{id=3, name='C', price=5.45}
// ]
  • .sorted(BigDecimal::compareTo.reversed()) // This results in compile-time error but, the following one doesn't.
final List<BigDecimal> bigDecimalsInDsc =
Arrays.asList(new BigDecimal("3"), new BigDecimal("1"), new BigDecimal("2"))
System.out.println("bigDecimalsInDsc: " + bigDecimalsInDsc);
// bigDecimalsInDsc: [3, 2, 1]


  • toStringOf returns a Function which returns String. toStringOf takes a Function as a parameter then combines that with String::valueOf. So it will eventually work like
// Parameter function: f
  • Exmaples
.collect(joining(", ")) // compile-time error because BigDecimal is not String.
.collect(joining(", "))
// 30.00, 12.50, 5.45


satisfying takes BiPredicate<O, T> and an additional parameter of type T then returns a Predicate<O>. This is meant to be used with method references to simplifying filtering. It would be much clear with some examples.

  • Examples

Where there is a list of String and you want to filter in all String values start with a certain word. If you do it like this using lambda expressions.

Arrays.asList("Hello world", "Hello Kevin", "Hi world", "Hey", "Hello")
.filter(s -> s.startsWith("Hello"))
// [Hello world, Hello Kevin, Hello]

Because startWith() method takes a parameter, you can't use method reference.

.filter(String::startsWith("Hello")) // You cannot pass parameters to a method reference.

However, if you use satisfying() method, you can. Just like this.

Arrays.asList("Hello world", "Hello Kevin", "Hi world", "Hey", "Hello")
.filter(satisfying(String::startsWith, "Hello"))
// [Hello world, Hello Kevin, Hello]


final List<Product> products = Arrays.asList(
product(1L, "A", $("30.00")),
product(2L, "B", $("12.50")),
product(3L, "C", $("5.45"))

final BigDecimal specialPrice = new BigDecimal("10.00");
.map(applying(Product::price, specialPrice))
// [
// Product{id=1, name='A', price=10.00},
// Product{id=2, name='B', price=10.00},
// Product{id=3, name='C', price=10.00}
// ]